Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust
Our Journey S0 Far
History to the formation of the Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust
The need for affordable housing for people with a local connection to Georgeham Parish featured when Georgeham Parish Council started drafting the Neighbourhood Plan. This was raised with North Devon District Council who suggested a meeting with Wessex Community Land Trust Project (now known as Middlemarch Community Led Housing CIC) who are experienced in advising on affordable home projects in the South West.
To better understand the housing need, Georgeham Parish Council commissioned a Housing Needs Survey in March 2019 and the results were published in June 2019.
Housing Needs Survey - June 2019
The Housing Needs Survey revealed a need for 18 affordable homes in the Parish over the next 5 years. Of those, 13 households needed social rented property and 5 households could consider shared ownership/discounted sale/self- build. 14 households were seeking 1 or 2 bed homes for single people or couples. The other 4 households were seeking 2 bedroom homes for families. There is a shortage of 1 and 2 bedroom dwellings in the Parish. Homes are needed for a range of households: younger and older people; families, couples and single people. Affordable homes are needed to help to support and maintain a diverse and vibrant community in the Parish for all ages.
In July 2019 the findings of the Housing Needs Survey were presented to the community in public presentations held in Georgeham and Croyde.. People attending the meetings and members of the Parish who expressed an interest in setting up a project to deliver affordable housing for the Parish, were invited to put themselves forward.
In September 2019 Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust Steering Group was formed from volunteers from the Parish. Support was provided by representatives from the Wessex Community Land Trust Project, North Devon District Council and Devon Communities Together. The Steering Group explored different ways in which the project could be delivered and this led to:-
Incorporation and registration of Georgeham Parish Community Land Trust Limited as a community benefit society with the Financial Conduct Authority on 3 December 2019 - registered number 8265 (Georgeham Parish CLT).
Georgeham Parish CLT is a “not for profit” community benefit society run by local volunteers with a connection to the Parish, for the benefit of the Parish community.
In February 2020, public meetings were held in Georgeham and Croyde to launch Georgeham Parish CLT and attract membership and involvement from others in the Parish.
It has a growing membership from people living or working in the Parish, who are interested in the community delivering genuinely affordable housing for those with a close connection to the Parish.
In February 2020, pupils from Georgeham (C of E) Primary School were invited to design a logo for the CLT. The standard of designs was very impressive and the logo which was chosen is set out below, as are those of the runners up. Sunday was the winner with her eye catching home surrounded by sand, sea, sky and sun. The runners up were Amelie; Josie and Theo who produced some truly wonderful designs. The winning logo has been adapted for use on Georgeham Parish CLT documentation.
The Start Up Support Programme
In April 2020 the CLT received seed corn funding from and became part of the Community Led Homes Start Up Support Programme.
The search started for an appropriate site for the affordable housing in the Parish. Local landowners were invited to come forward and land was assessed for potential suitability for development, The search was extensive and eventually a landowner offered the CLT a field which is directly adjacent to the development line of Georgeham VIllage and well related to it. Feasibility work commenced with the help of grants principally from North Devon Council and this led to a planning application be submitted for development of the field for 19 affordable social rented dwellings at the end of 2023.
What is community led housing?
Community led housing is a way that people and communities can come together to solve their own housing challenges and provide high quality and affordable homes. The homes are managed or owned by the community in the way they want.
The Team taking the project forward are the Board of Georgeham Parish CLT who are members of the CLT and are elected to the Board by its members at its Annual General Meeting. The Board of the CLT work with its Housing Association partner, Aster Group, the landowners, Middlemarch, the local authority, professional advisers and the community to find a way to provide housing that the community needs.